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A Lone Cycling Trip Across Three Malaysia States


Doing something crazy may seems stupid to many, but for me, life should be full of craziness! So far, this long distance cycling trip is one of the two craziest things I have done in my life. The first one is rounding the Penang Island on foot. As for this cycling trip, I didn't jot down any notes along the way so what I am about to write is solely base on my at-that-moment feeling and my memory. So, lets start with why would I have such a crazy idea as to cycle so far? Well, it was not much of a big deal actually, I simply wanted to try and see whether I have the strength and determination to cycle from Penang to Perlis, and that's all. For the preparation part, I simply look at the route I should take on Google Map, which is Route 1 and Route 7. I jotted down the road name along the path which I eventually found that it was actually not helpful at all. Before I started the journey, I took my dinner at Balik Pulau, bought some buns and brought four small mineral water with me. I departed at 9 PM from Balik Pulau and reached jetty at around 12. I was really lucky that I managed to catch up with the last ferry. On the ferry, I have a little chit-chat with a big brother. I told him that I wanted to go to Perlis and asked him what time is the earliest ferry to go back to the island (I expected that I will take the earliest ferry when I come back). I asked him about the light condition along the old road to Perlis as well. Then, he look at me with a serious face and said to me :"Are you going now? Alone? With Bicycle?". I nodded my head and say yes. He then continued :"Going to Perlis at this time is too dangerous! Some of the old roads don't have lamp, they are all pitch black! You should go with a group of cyclists, going alone is just too dangerous!". Supposedly, after hearing to what he has said, I should be feeling afraid, but I smile at the big brother and said :"Don't worry, it will be fine."


I reached Butterworth after taking off from the ferry. Soon, I came to this container terminal. The lifter will play some lovely music every time before it lifts up a container. The music is kinda like those music played by the toys. Passing through the container terminal, I rode along the coastal and eventually came to a toll. Pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle are free to pass through the toll. Right after the toll there is a rest station. I stopped by at there for a while to use the free Wifi. So far, the road I came along was really empty. Only a few vehicles passing by from time to time. There was a small incident that happened while I was riding along the highway. A motorcycle came really close to me and the cyclist shouted at me and then went away laughing loudly. Obviously, their intention was to scare me and yes I do get a little shock from the "surprise attack". Supposedly, I should be angry for such inferior treatment but I was not. I was smiling and looking at their back as they went far away. "They must be too boring with their life..haha..", I told this to myself with a positive mindset.


I rode along Route 1 and reached this bridge at around 2 PM. Before I saw this unique bridge, I have passed through a village that is name after "Merdeka Bridge", so I was guessing that the "Merdeka Bridge" is referring to this unique bridge. When I get back to Penang later, I search for this brige on the net and yes, my guess is correct! This is really the Merdeka Bridge and it marks the boundary of Penang and Kedah! Though, perhaps it was too dark at that time, I didn't see any signboard mentioning that this is actually the boundary of Penang and Kedah. I stopped at here for a while looking at the beautiful bridge and the young man fishing on the bridge, and then leaving Penang without knowing it. The distance from where I departed until this point is about 70 KM.

小嵻抵达双溪大年时大概是凌晨三点钟,大概是骑了九十公里左右。来到双溪大年第一个念头就是要找二十四小时的麦当劳或肯德基。结果一路沿着大路都没找到,看见一间二十四小时的嘛嘛档还开着所以就进去里面休息下,点了一杯 Teh O Limau Ice 和两片 Roti Canai。可惜的是这间嘛嘛档没得上网。休息过后继续往大路一直骑,才刚骑不久就看见对面有间二十四小时的肯德基了!小嵻这时又停下来了,待在路旁利用肯德基的网络上网,上传照片到小嵻的 Instagram。就这样,小嵻在双溪大年待上了一个钟,凌晨四点才继续出发。

I reached Sungai Petani at about 3 PM, which is about 90 KM of riding distance. The first thought of mine when I reached Sungai Petani was to look for Mac Donald or KFC. Unfortunately, I rode along the main road and couldn't find any. Then I saw a 24 hours Mamak stall so I went in and ordered a glass of Teh O Limau Ice and two pieces of Roti Canai. However, it was too bad that they don't have any Wifi service. After the small rest, I continued cycling along the main road. Just a few meters away from the Mamak stall, I saw the 24 hours KFC! I should have cycling a bit longer just now. I stopped my bicycle at the roadside and I used the KFC's free Wifi to upload pictures to my Instagram. And so, I have spent one hour at Sungai Petani and continued my journey at 4 AM.


The torturing part of the journey began not long after I left Sunagi Petani. Although most of the roads are equipped with road lamps, but there are still some parts where there is no lamp at all, literally pitch black. So I have to be very careful so that I didn't rode into any holes. Along the way, both side of the roads are mainly paddy field and there are parts where big trees grow neatly along the road. If it was a daytime, I believe that the view will be a very nice one. When I passed through the pitch black route, I was thinking what should I do if suddenly there was a ghost appeared right in front of me? I do feel a little bit scare, but more to excitement. I was thinking that if I were to bump into one, I would have try to communicate with the ghost and see how does this so call "ghost" thing works. But if I were really to meet one, I think I will just cycle as fast as I can to get rid of it..hehe.. After riding for about 20 to 30 KM, my butt started to feel really hurt. I try to change my sitting position but it was not very helpful. At that time, I have been awake for about one day and I started to lose focus and feel a little bit dizzy. At about 15 KM before reaching Alor Setar, there was a coffee shop that was just about to open. So I rest in the coffee shop and have my breakfast at 5 AM. The coffee shop owner told me that it is very dangerous to cycle alone in this area, I should have come in pair or group, so that the journey wont be so boring as well. He then asked me whether I got bring spare tyre or not? I told him with confidence that this tyre is actually quite a good one, it wont puncture so easily.


After finished eating my breakfast, I cycling along Route 1 at a very slow pace. Although I managed to restore a little bit of my body strength, but my butt was still in a very painful condition every time I sat on the bicycle seat. My neck and shoulder were painful as well. I reached Alor Setar at 7:30 AM and my first thought was to find a bicycle shop. I really need a nice spongy cushion to save my butt. Unfortunately, there wasn't any bicycle shop in sight, in fact most of the shops weren't open yet. It has been about 10.5 hours since I departed from Balik Pulau and the distance is about 150 KM (almost twice the distance for rounding the Penang Island). I have spent more time than I have expected. At this rate, I might not be able to go back Penang on time if I were to cycling to Padang Besar (I have to reach the homestay before 7 AM tomorrow). Another concern was that I was afraid that I might not have the strength to cycle back to Penang if I continued my journey to Perlis. I was about 70% worn out when I reached Alor Setar. So, now I have to make the decision, to go on or to go back? If I was to go back right now, I could still managed to reach Penang on time, and I still have plenty of time so I can have some rest along the way. However, I understand myself too well. I know that I will definitely do this again if I were to give up now. So I thought and thought and then I sent a text message to a friend asking him whether I can take my bicycle onto the train or not. He said that the train can fetch motorcycle so a bicycle should be of no problem. At last, I have decided to continue my journey to Perlis and then took the train back to Butterworth at Padang Besar. Then, I took a left turn from the Route 1 at Alor Setar and continued my journey along Route 7. According to Google Map, Padang Besar is located at the end of Route 7, so I just have to cycle along the road until the very end.


As I entered Route 7, paddy field can be seen at both side of the road. The paddy field here is much more nicer than the one at Balik Pulau! It was 9 AM now and the weather starting to get hot. Perhaps it was because of the hotness, I started to feel more energetic and my neck and shoulder weren't painful anymore. However, my butt was still very painful! Route 7 is about 80 KM long which is the distance of rounding one round of Penang Island. In Penang, I would have no problem for cycling 80 KM, but the 80 KM at Route 7 feels like as if there is no end to it. Although I felt like I have rode for a long time, but the fact was that I have only rode for 1 KM. This feeling is really mentally suffering. I cycle for about 20 KM and then I stopped at a Mamak stall at the roadside and have a cold drink to cool down my body. After the small rest, I continued my journey and found out that it was even more tiring! I tried to switch to a lower gear but it doesn't help much. I was thinking could it be that the tyre punctured? I looked down at the tyre. Oh my god, the tyre was really punctured! I was still so confidence a while ago that this tyre is a good quality one that it wont punctured so easily but see what happened now?! Fortunately, I was a very lucky guy. There were two bicycle repairing shops just a few meters away! I pulled my bicycle to one of the shops and changed a new tyre and bought a layer of thin sponge to put on top of the bicycle seat which later I found that it doesn't help to minimise even a bit of my butt pain. The tyre was a brand new one now but I lost a brake in return. The left brake was broken and the bicycle shop doesn't have any spare brake. So, I continued my journey with a broken brakes.


At a distance about 5 KM away from the bicycle shops, I bid my farewell to Kedah and entered Perlis. Once I get in to Perlis, the scene started to change. Both side of the road are planted with tall trees and they are neatly aligned! I cycle along Route 7 until I reached Kangar. The problem I have with Kangar was that the road at there is quite complicated. Route 7 suddenly become a one way lane at the front of the opposite direction so I have to turn away from Route 7. This is where I started to get lost. I wandered around and I found something really nice. It's KFC! Haha. So, I took my time to utilize the free Internet service before I continued my journey. After I have uploaded all my photos, I asked the people around me how to go to Padang Besar. The mister lead me to another small road which he said that is the road to Padang Besar. Since I was lost, I have no choice but to follow his instruction. As I cycle further, without knowing it, I was suddenly back on to Route 7. So, all I have to do now is to ride along this main road for about 35 KM and I will reach my destination.


Although the journey was only left with 35 KM, but this was definitely a long 35 KM that required a high level of willpower. At this moment, my butt was very very painful, my neck was sore, and my legs were left with little strength only. I cycle at a very very slow pace, about one fourth of my normal speed. And the worst part was that the weather on that day was very hazy! My body feel like being cooked under the hot sun. The heat was so unbearable so I took a little rest at the bus stop at the road side and ate my bun to replenish some of my body strength. If you are a fans of "One Piece" anime, then my body condition at that moment was just like when Luffy activates his Gear 2. After the little break, I continued my journey. There was still another 10 KM until I reached my destination, but the road at this last few kilometers was not an easy one. It has slopes! Well, of course going down was an easy and fun one, but that will mean that I have to cycle all the way up again! A few times! I tried my best to beat the gravity and I somehow managed to pass through all the slope area. And then, I came to a roadblock where the officers were trying to catch all those who tries to bring any illegal item to and from our neighbour country. I cycling as if nothing was happening and get passed the roadblock. As soon as I get passed the roadblock, I was called by the officer. I was thinking what have I done wrong? The officer asked me where did I came from. I told him I cycle all the way from Penang. Then he told me that he was from Penang as well, and then we talked about each other life's experience, and then we became friend. He told me that he would like to hangout with me when he goes back to Penang..haha.. After the little chit-chatting with the officer, I continued my journey to Padang Besar. When I reached Padang Besar, the sky suddenly turned dark and the wind started to blow strongly. You know what this means right? Yes! It was about to rain soon! At first I was planning to go to the Padang Besar market there and have a plate of mango pulut rice, but I was worried that it might rain so I decided to go to the train station to buy the ticket first.



I reached Padang Besar train station at 4 PM. I have cycle for about 225 KM and spent 19 hours for this journey. The last thing I have to do for this trip was to buy the train ticket to go back to Butterworth. Unfortunately, I forget to consider about one thing, that the train ticket might sold out! And yes, the train ticket was really sold out! The ticket seller told me to wait at the train station for a while and see whether there will be people forfeiting their ticket or not. So, I rest at the train station and soon it started to rain. I was really glad that I didn't went to the Padang Besar market. Around 5:30 PM, I went back to the ticket counter and the ticket seller smile at me and said, "We have a ticket for you!". Wow, talking about luck, I am probably the luckiest person ever! And so, I took the 7 PM train and reached Butterworth at 10 PM. Oh, by the way, this was my first time taking a train, so I have no idea that the train was actually so cold! What's more was that I was just wearing a singlet, so I was trembling all the way to Butterworth. After I reached Penang Island, I have my dinner (or I should say supper to be more appropriate) with my friend at Jelutong and took a small rest. I cycle back to Balik Pulau at 1 AM and reached the homestay at 3 AM.

After going through this long distance cycling journey, I realised that I do need a very good bicycle for a long distance traveling, especially the bicycle seat part. As for the other factors, they actually don't affect much as long as I have the willpower to go on. Frankly speaking, this cycling trip is not as tough as it may seem. If I have to compare it with my journey of rounding the Penang Island on foot, I will say that the rounding Penang Island on foot trip required a lot more determination than this cycling trip. In conclusion, I have finally took my first step out. I believe I will go on further and further. Good luck to me!

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