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Hi, this is me,

Little Khong!


A little boy who wants to live a spontaneous life. He is a photography lover and he likes cycling as well. Combining these two hobbies of him, he is now on a journey to discover the beauty of the places that are new to him.


Well, it is a tough journey to begin with and he knew that he couldn't go far without the aid from others. If you would like to lend him a helping hand, don't hesitate to drop him a message at the contact form below.


Wanna get to know this little boy even better? You can find out more about his life at the "About Me" page. Oh ya, be sure to give his Facebook Fan Page 『小嵻流浪记 Little Khong's Journey』 a "Like" as he updates most of his journey at there.








想要更加了解小嵻吗?你可以到“关于小嵻”查看更多有关小嵻的生活。最后,别忘了给小嵻的面书专页『小嵻流浪记 Little Khong's Journey』一个“赞”哦!他将会把大部分的流浪旅程记载在那里。

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