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A Good Start to Remember

Skydiving at Taiping Tekah Airport

2015年的美好开始 - 十千英尺高空跳伞!



当飞机飞到十千英尺时,我们开始踏出飞机,准备好要跳了。这是整个跳伞过程中最刺激、最难忘、最爽、最兴奋,加上一点小紧张以及完全没有害怕感觉的唯一一刻!摄影师、指导员、以及小嵻都就位后,指导员开始喊“Ready Set Go!”然后我们就一起跳下去了。跳下去的那一刻感觉就像是小嵻的双眼突然添加了自动拉近功能,那种感觉特别难忘。过后小嵻努力寻找摄影师所在,和镜头比了两个“赞”,然后指导员就把降落伞打开了。打开降落伞后,一切感觉很正常,能做的也只有欣赏风景而已。不过小嵻私人要求指导员来个360度旋转,这个就感觉比较刺激而且还蛮晕的。


A good start for 2015 - 10K ft. Skydiving!

I have always been a big fan of Jackie Chan. Every time I saw the adventures Jackie Chan had in his movie, especially the skydiving, I will get all excited! I have been wanted to try out the skydiving for long. Today, my dream has become a reality. Thanks to all my friends and family who have supported me for a whole month long. Also, thanks to those who have vote for me silently. I really appreciate all the help I get from all of you. Really thanks a lot for making my dream came true. Last but not least, I would like to thank the organiser of this skydiving event, Thanks for giving me the chance to fall own from the sky!

So, how does it feels like to jump from 10K ft high? The thing is, I was not nervous at all on the day of jumping, but more to anticipating and a little bit excited. When the aircraft took off, I wasn't feeling nervous as well. I really enjoyed the time spent on the aircraft. The time taken for the aircraft to reach 10K ft was about 40 minutes. Since it was a small aircraft, so the space was quite narrow and there were only 4 persons on the aircraft, which is the pilot, the cameraman, the instructor and me. The aircraft is literally "doorless", so the wind was actually very strong. It was hard for me to speak and hard to hear what others were talking. The strong wind hit my face along the flight and it was freezing! Though my whole body was covered in a jump suit, yet I still felt very cold. It feels like I was being locked inside a refrigerator.

When the aircraft reached 10K ft high, we stepped out from the aircraft and get ready to jump. The moment of jumping was the most excited and unforgettable moment. The impression I get instantly after jumping from the aircraft was that my eyes were like installed with a high-speed zoom in function. After leaving the aircraft, it was the free fall time and all I done for that excited moment was to find the cameraman. After giving double thumbs up to the cameraman, the instructor opened the parachute and everything felt normal after that. All I was able to do while falling down slowly was to look at the beautiful view of Taiping. Though, I personally requested the instructor to do a 360 degree spiral turn for me, it was at least something excited for me.

And so, my life has achieved another great and unforgettable experience. My next dream would be cycling to travel around the world. For this, I gave myself a two years time to make sure that I am ready for such big dream. This skydiving mark a good start for me, which was really motivating for me to keep moving forward!

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